The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Wednesday for the third day in a row. The Dow Jones Industrial Average ticked down 43.10 points, or 0.11%. Intel lost more than 8% after it posted operating loss in semiconductor manufacturing. The S&P 500 did better, inching higher by 0.11% and its first win of the week. The Nasdaq Composite also positive ended the day, adding 0.23%. In another sign of a resilient economy, ADP released March data showed private


The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Wednesday for the third day in a row. The Dow Jones Industrial Average ticked down 43.10 points, or 0.11%. Intel lost more than 8% after it posted operating loss in semiconductor manufacturing. The S&P 500 did better, inching higher by 0.11% and its first win of the week. The Nasdaq Composite also positive ended the day, adding 0.23%. In another sign of a resilient economy, ADP released March data showed private


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